A Moment In Time: The Nemecs and Aunt Mary Visited Finlay’s U-Pick


Mary Nemec, Mary Myrick, Albert Finlay(L-R)

Mary Nemec, Mary Myrick, Albert Finlay(L-R)


I found this photo of Aunt Mary Myrick, my father and his cousin Mary Nemec, when they visited Dad in Pasadena.Mary’s husband, Tom, was the chauffeur and photographer, and he often spoke to me about the visit they made to the farm. I’m sure Dad’s smile was very wide when he saw all three of them pull up to his u-pick that summer day. Also, I’m sure that it wasn’t very long before he invited them into the house for a cup of Tetley, after their long journey from the capital city on the east coast of Newfoundland.

Aunt Mary had a distinct voice and way about her. She had been the post mistress of St. Shotts for many years, and I’ve learned in the past few months that she also dispensed medications as per Nurse Abernathy’s instructions. There was no doctor in these parts back then, so the nurse was expected to be able to do everything the doctor could do. It is remarkable how this nurse found Aunt Mary and trusted her so implicitly with this big responsibility. Often the community members would talk to the nurse on the phone, and then Aunt Mary would have to explain some of the terms that were used, as Nurse Abernathy was not from Newfoundland. Many people can recall going to the post office in the Myrick’s house. I remember as a small child going there during a summer trip to see my cousins.

In a small community both men and women pulled together to make a good living for their families and Uncle John and Aunt Mary did their best to bring up their family providing the necessities of life for them. They were church going people and they enjoyed a bit of fun as well. Uncle John loved to sing and tell stories. I believe he knew some recitations as well. Their love for music and storytelling was passed down to their sons MIchael, Peter and John and their daughter Mary. Later it was passed down to the grandchildren. I always say that since I’m a Myrick, my grandmother was Maud Myrick, Uncle John’s sister, that I should have inherited some of that talent as well!

This photo was taken in happier times, when Aunt Mary enjoyed some trips with her son-in-law and daughter. They look like they were enjoying the great Pasadena weather, the strawberries and the company!

About Circle of Life Energetics

I'm a Newfoundlander with a love of reading, writing,travelling, and reflexology. I've travelled around our province and lived in four provinces of Canada. I love a good book and a good blog. My family means the world to me, and some day I hope to travel to many countries of the world with my husband and sons' families. I want to use reflexology, reiki, TT, EFT and IHM to help others feel healthy.
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7 Responses to A Moment In Time: The Nemecs and Aunt Mary Visited Finlay’s U-Pick

  1. Loved this post. I can see your Dad’s smile now when they showed up. The picture says it all, doesn’t it?

  2. Lori says:

    Newfoundland looks beautiful. Is that your father’s farm? Did he grow strawberries?

  3. Darlene says:

    I love your people posts too. My Dad was also a farmer and loved a good laugh.

  4. Maxi says:

    The photo makes me smile, so sweet. Aaand Tetley. I remember it, used to drink it, until … I discovered Bigelow. Now it’s my favorite.

    Blessings – Maxi

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