I Turned On My Radio Today

St. Paddy's Day Weekend: 2008

Working in my office, trying to find papers and organize my books, receipts, photographs, and so on, I decided to turn on the Irish Show. My mood lifted immediately. My hips shook a little and I danced out through the hallway, grinning at my teenage like frolicking! I thought, if Michelle could see me in Abu Dabi, she’d grin. Or if my husband saw me tidying up, he’d jump for joy!

There’s so much talk about pre-St. Paddy‘s celebrations and all the St. Paddy’s parties. Thank God it’s not like Christmas, or Valentine’s Day, where stores and radio stations are filling out heads with all those related ads and music. I actually enjoyed listening to the birthday and anniversary greetings and all the different songs that were requested.  Sometimes the announcer changed a song to one he thought was a little more upbeat or for some other reason.

Dick Nolan is still singing from us from beyond the grave. I have to sing along to Aunt Martha’s Sheep even though I’ve heard it a thousand times or more. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQYGO2MWpDg

Isla Grant is going to be giving a concert here in St.John’s. I’m sure some of my old buddies, especially Mary and Paddy will want to get some tickets to hear her. Here’s one of my favorites of hers: In Mother’s Chair http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dGqVX8FsiI

Now the Dubliners are singing away in my ear. How sweet when I can sit back and have those great singers entertain, without me paying or having to get out of my jammies!  Have a listen: Dublin in the Rare Old Times http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3JrG95HhL2k

Yes, I turned on my radio today, and it brightened up my snowy day! I hope you find some music on your radio or CD player that enriches your life. It does lift your energy and puts a smile on your face.



Oxalis acetosella


About Circle of Life Energetics

I'm a Newfoundlander with a love of reading, writing,travelling, and reflexology. I've travelled around our province and lived in four provinces of Canada. I love a good book and a good blog. My family means the world to me, and some day I hope to travel to many countries of the world with my husband and sons' families. I want to use reflexology, reiki, TT, EFT and IHM to help others feel healthy.
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